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La Bible et le christianisme arabe : traduction, interprétation et contexte (28-28 avril 2023, Venise)

Le prochain colloque de Syriaca se tiendra les 28 et 29 avril 2023 à l’Université Ca’ Foscari de Venise. Il est organisé par Bishara Ebeid avec le soutien scientifique et financier de Syriaca.

Il sera accessible par visioconférence.

Contact : Emiliano Fiori


En voici le programme en anglais.

Bible and Arab Christianity: Translation, Interpretation, and Context

Friday 28/04/2023

Panel 1: “The Bible in Arabic: Encounter between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam”

9:00-9:45             keynote “The Bible in Arabic: manuscripts, transmission, and translation types” Ronny Vollandt, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich

9:45-10:30          “Translation Techniques in Christian Arabic Psalm Renditions” Miriam L Hjälm, Sankt Ignatios College, University College of Stockholm

11:00-11:45        “Between Greek and Syriac: Arabic Translations of the Philippians and Colossians Hymns in MSS Vatican Ar. 13 and London, BL, Or. 8612” Vevian Zaki, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, Saint John’s University

11:45-12:30        “Arabic Manuscripts of the Lectionary Gospels: An Interplay between Cultures, Languages, Textual Traditions and Ecclesiastical Rites” Elie Dannaoui, University of Balamand

12:30-13:15        “Confirm your Scriptures with Torah in Hebrew and the Gospel in Latin: On the biblical quotations contained in Tathlīth al-Waḥdāniyyah” Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, University of Córdoba


Panel 2: “Bible and polemical literature”

16:15-17:00        “Testimony Collections during the Abbasid Period: The Vantage Point of the Commentary on the Nicene Creed” Bert Jacobs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

17:00-17:45        “ʿAbdīshōʿ of Nisibis and His Rhymed Gospels: Implicit Apologetic or Stylistic Preference?” Salam Rassi, University of Edinburgh

18:15-19:00        “Beyond polemics: allusive use of the Bible in The History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria” Mark Swanson, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago


Saturday 29/04/2023

Panel 3: “Apocryphal Literature during the Abbasid Caliphate”

8:45-9:30             “Christian Arabic Apocrypha and Homilies on the Dormition of the Theotokos” Adrian Pirtea, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – Berlin

9:30-10:15          “New insights into the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter: the historical apocalyptic part and the hitherto unpublished sections” Barbara Roggema, University of Florence


Panel 4: “Biblical Exegesis in Abbasid Caliphate”

10:45-11:30        “The questions and answers on the genealogy of Christ in Ibn al-Tayyib’s Commentary on the Gospels (Mt 1,1-17). A preliminary investigation of the sources” Joseph Faragalla, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich

11:30-12:15        “East Syriac Exegesis in 10th century Mosul: the case of Emmanuel bar Shaḥḥare’s Hexaemeron” Eva Rodriges, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

12:15-12:30        Conclusion Bishara Ebeid



OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Laurence Mellerin (10 avril 2023). La Bible et le christianisme arabe : traduction, interprétation et contexte (28-28 avril 2023, Venise). Biblindex. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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